November 2022
The Editors Letter
DHello everyone! As you can see from our front cover this month, we are bursting into song with Kirton’s newest community group, SING! They meet at The Old King’s Head every Wednesday evening and are a right friendly bunch! If I had more time on my hands I would certainly be there myself! I do love a good sing-song. Read more about the group in our Meet the Locals feature on Page 6.
As the Christmas treats were already on the supermarket shelves at the beginning of September, our minds (whether we like it or not) will be turning to the festive season. You will see from the amount of forthcoming events in this issue that the village has plenty for people to enjoy at this time of year. Lots of things are happening at the Town Hall, such as the ever-popular Quiz night and Christmas Fayre and St Peter and St Paul’s Church will be holding their wonderful Christmas Tree Festival.
Please go along and support these events. A very small bunch of fantastic volunteers work really hard to put these events on for the community.
Soon, Kirton News HQ will once again ask the homes of Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton to don their best Christmas lights! The Best Decorated House competition will return for the 3rd year running with one winner and one runner-up receiving some fantastic prizes from local businesses. Further information will be available on the Kirton, Frampton and Wyberton Facebook page from mid-November.
We would also like to renew our pledge to the local community at this time of year by reminding you all that we are above anything else, a publication for the people of Kirton and we like to give back when we can! If there are any groups or charities local to the village who need a bit of help, please email me: -
Take care of yourselves and each other.
Meet The Locals
The co-founders of Kirton's newest community group SING contacted us this month! If you're looking for something fun to do with a friendly bunch of people, look no further than SING!
‘Sing’ is a local community singing group, based in Kirton. We meet every Wednesday in the community room at the rear of the Old Kings Head, between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm. We charge £4.00 per practice (to cover costs of basic equipment, hire of the room, printer ink, paper etc). New members are always welcome.
The group was formed by myself and Chris Crisford. Neither of us have any formal musical training, but we both love singing and we felt that opportunities to sing as part of a group of likeminded people were limited in the local area.
We wanted to attract people of all ages and singing abilities. Singing has been shown to improve happiness and wellbeing. Apart from the obvious social aspect, people get an emotional lift from their Wednesday practice sessions. Cheaper than therapy, less boring than working out, better for you than alcohol is our mantra.
‘Sing’ was set up in May 2022 following appeals through social media. That first night Chris and I wondered if anyone would turn up. We had prepared word sheets and backing tracks of a few popular songs. We were pleasantly surprised to welcome a bunch of enthusiastic and curious people who left their inhibitions at the door and worked their way through a few well known songs.
Our set list is mostly good pop songs that most people know (ABBA, the Beatles, Ed Sheehan etc).
We figured that, although this was new ground to us, the enthusiasm of the group and a bit of hard work should see us through. In the first few weeks members came and went, we eventually found ourselves with a core membership of 18 singers, male and female with an age range of 16 years to retirees.
I think the most difficult thing for people is to actually come through the door in the first place. You’d be surprised how many of them said they couldn’t sing very well but they wanted to give it a go. Chris and I reassured them, pointing out that as group leaders, we were feeling our way as well. The real surprise was that, when they began singing, they were audible, and could sing well because they were part of a group. We have improved week on week, confidence has grown within all of us, - but most importantly, everyone is loving it! Singing is great fun!
‘Sing’ now has a written constitution, bank account, logo, etc. Our Facebook page is ‘Sing, community singing group, Kirton’. We have performed in front of audiences at the Old Kings Head twice, and at a private function.
We are currently practicing our Christmas set. Popular festive songs that will be familiar to most people.
We will be performing at Kirton Town Hall’s Christmas fayre on Saturday 3rd December; and we may accompany the lights switch on ceremony later that afternoon - weather permitting.
We hope to perform at the Wyberton Christmas fayre on Friday 9th December.
On Saturday 10th December we are scheduled to perform at the Old King’s Head Christmas fayre.
We also hope we can provide one or two local care homes with some festive entertainment.
‘Sing’ is a friendly group, new members are always welcome! Just bring enthusiasm, we’ll do the rest.

Kirton Church Fund
The October draw takes place on Sunday 23rd October with the winning numbers printed in the December magazine. The November draw takes place on
Sunday 27th November and the winning numbers will be printed in the February magazine.
Congratulations to both winners, who have both been in from the start of Kirton Church Fund and of course have won before. The lucky second prize winner also won the second prize last month. Numbers are always well mixed up every month; it’s just the luck of the draw.
We welcomed a new member last month who was in the draw for the first time. However, although we have gained a new member sadly we have lost a member who had two numbers, his own and that of his late wife. May they both rest in peace.
So we are one number down meaning a slight reduction in prize money as you will have noticed from last month. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to Kirton Church. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for Kirton church.
I know I say it often but it really is true – there really is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw. Currently we only have 42 people taking part with only 51 live numbers in the) so we really do have plenty of room for more members Why not come and join us? Anyone over 18 may take part.
You can join at any time during the year at £5 a number per month and therefore £60 annually, £30 for 6 months and £15 for 3 months. You can of course pay the £5 monthly if you wish. You can also have more than one number if you wish.
Registration forms are available from church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529. Forms are also available from Paula’s Gifts at the bottom of Station Road which is an Aladdin’s cave of reasonably priced gifts and cards and well worth a visit.
Like more information about Kirton Church Fund? Then please give Fay a ring.
September 2022 Winners
1st PRIZE - £47.81 - TICKET NUMBER:30
2nd PRIZE - £15.94 -
Data protection. All information (name, address and phone number) of Kirton Church Fund members is held solely for the purpose of managing Kirton Church Fund and is not passed on to any other organisation or used for any other purpose.
Kirton Primary School Wins Primary School of the Year for 2022
Kirton Primary School has once again been crowned ‘Primary School of the Year’ at the Lincolnshire Education Awards. The judges said: The school was up against tough competition, but judges were so impressed with everything staff do to help their children.
The school is immensely proud to be the recipient of this significant award.
On the same night, Mrs Bradshaw was also a finalist in the category ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year’. Another well-deserved accolade!
Education Excellence Awards
Mrs Heath and Mrs Donley were finalists in the respective categories ‘Teaching Assistant of the Year’ and ‘Headteacher of the Year’ at the Lincolnshire Education Excellence Awards held in Lincoln. These awards attracted over two thousand nominations from across the county, so this was a fabulous achievement for our local school.
Children and Young People Awards 2022
Amazingly, it doesn’t end there. Our local, village school has also been shortlisted as finalists in the Children and Young People Now Awards in the category of Personal, Social and Health Education. The ceremony will take place on 24th November in London when the winners will be announced.

Letters to the Editor
Response to Kirton Parish Council
statement in Kirton News
Not wishing to serialise the ongoing issues with Kirton Parish Council, however, I feel I must clarify some of the statements that were made, specifically aimed at, and inferred about myself.
It can be confirmed by both myself and the Councillors concerned, that it was not because of my leadership, behaviour or abilities as a Councillor as to why they resigned.
The Extraordinary meeting that is mentioned, was not, as was implied, called because of the events of the AGM, but was called myself, the Friday before the AGM, while I was still a Councillor, at the request of three Councillors to discuss staffing matters.
It is misleading to imply that Cllr Cole was voted in to replace me and take the Council forward. At the AGM (later, declared legally void) it was Cllr Peter Watson was voted in as Chairman.
I, and others believe that my removal as Chairman was political and not due to my abilities. With the events that occurred on that evening, the Council was becoming more political based, to which I was an obstacle. I think politics have no place in Parish or local Councils, their aim should be solely for the benefit of the community, and Politics of that nature should stay in Westminster.
Similarly, as with the Parish Council, I also respect the privacy of the Clerk and will not pass comment on that particular matter.
Finally, my 2½ years as a Councillor were great, and the best thing I found out about the Parish while a Councillor, was that it wants to engage with the Council, but you had to get out there and meet them, and by doing that, I met a whole new group of people, that, were just amazing.
Carl Sharp
Former Councillor, Vice Chair & Chair of Kirton Parish Council.
Kids Club
This has been a busy half term with lots of lovely art work and play involved. The children enjoyed the autumn sunshine most days and spent the afternoon sessions outside with friends and classmates.
Included in the Halloween art were lucky black cats, pumpkin balloons and on the last day they were each given miniature pumpkins to take home and carve nearer the day and sweets. They also coloured many themed pictures and we decorated the club with witches and bats. It is funny to think we actually come back from half term holidays on Halloween itself!
There are a few places on different day’s at breakfast or after school but at the moment most places are already filled. We have a waiting list though if you wish to ring 07583762072 and we can put your child/children on this.
Breakfast club starts at 7.30am and after school finishes at 5.45pm, both include breakfast or snack and drink. Breakfast club is £4.00 per child per session and after school is £6.00 per child per session. You will find us in Kirton Youth Centre – with our own car park and secure outside space.
Welcome to a Warm Space in Kirton Library
Kirton Community Library invites anyone, old or young to spend time with us as the days, and perhaps your house, get colder. For a couple of hours you can have a hot drink, browse or read a book, use the computer, bring you knitting or have a chat.
If you have young children we have lots of picture books and can create story time.
The library, situated in The Junction on the corner of Wash Road and the A16 is open: Thursday 10am – noon, Thursday 2pm – 4 pm and Saturday 10am – noon.
You do not need to be a member “to come in out of the cold” but the libraries are free to join and use. We also offer free access to internet computers and printing/photocopying at a reasonable price. For enquiries phone Frances on 07845 481621 or email or just pop in!
St Peter and St Paul’s Harvest Supper
A big thankyou to all who came to the recent harvest supper at Kirton Town Hall and the hard working volunteers who made it possible. As with all our events over the year, put on by the dedicated volunteers from the Church, it was in aid of the roof repair fund. I think most will be aware by now that over a quarter of a million pounds is needed to repair the church roof. We made over £800 at the harvest supper (before expenses). A drop in the ocean but it all helps.
The Harvest supper was a very enjoyable evening, with a 3 course meal, a great raffle and a fun auction of produce. All in all a celebration of our county and the food that is grown and produced here by the farming community. Our next event is a jumble sale, at Kirton Town Hall on November 12th. Our popular Christmas Tree Festival will be held at Kirton Church on the 3rd and 4th of December. Look forward to seeing you all then. Paula
St Barnabas Lincolnshire
Did you know that we have a Welfare and Benefits team? When you or someone in your family is going through the hardest of times and living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, the last thing you should have on your mind is financial worries. Our Welfare and Benefits team offer a range of financial advice and support services which can give you peace of mind and an extra helping hand in understanding what help is available and applying for benefits and grants (e.g. completing forms, making phone calls or writing letters) , accessing help with health costs, such as travel to hospital, applying for transport concessions, such as a disabled parking badge and accessing benefits following a bereavement and money towards funeral costs. Our Welfare Services Team can be contacted on 01476 513 544.
Bereavement support is available to any adult affected by grief , not just the family and friends of those cared for by the Hospice. To access our bereavement support you must be over the age of 18, registered with a Lincolnshire GP and the bereavement must be of an Adult.
We also have a bereavement helpline supported by trained volunteers who will offer you the time to talk about your grief and how it might be affecting you. They will offer you support emotionally , psychologically and practically. They may also signpost to other services that may benefit you.
Our helpline is open Mon-fri, 11am to 3pm.
Call us on 0300 303 1897
I also wanted to keep you up to date with all the ways you can get involved and support your local hospice:
Light up of Life Torchlight Procession: The Light Up a Life Torchlight Procession event is in its 22nd year and is taking place on Tuesday 22nd November 2022. The procession is an opportunity for the community to come together to reflect and remember. Registration will be available online from 1st November.
Visit us at the Food & Gift Fayre on the 26th & 27th of November: Come and sample our new Ruby blend of Gin, Rum, and Coffee. They are delicious and would make a brilliant Christmas present this year!
Ourselves & Lincoln Christmas Market are having a joint 40th birthday party at this years Christmas Markets! Come and see us! We are near the Tree of Life!
Support us with Tree Cycle. During the beginning of the new year, we will be collecting and recycling all of your real Christmas trees. For a donation, they will be collected and disposed of for you, hassle free!! An easy way to help raise vital funds for your local hospice!
It’s not too late to sign up to this years Rudy’s Run! Calling all groups in an early year setting, register now for your free antlers and red noses, and let’s have some festive fun together!
If you need anymore information, please visit our website at or please contact me personally on: – 07468 715788.
Enjoy the Autumnal weather everyone!
Meet Featherstone fitness
with Megan!
Private studio gym at Kirton Business Park, Willington ROAD, Kirton PE20 1NN. Serving ladies only classes, kids classes, postnatal and 50+ classes.
I am also a female personal trainer. specialists in menopause, pre and post natal and general fat loss. I offer lots of services like the 12 week transformation package and help a wide range of clients all with different needs!
Contact me on 07845739160 or!
The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome them all into the family of the church:
2nd October Ayda and Millie Bromfield
9th October Sienna Louise Wellsbury
Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:
17th September Joshua Haines and Shannon Joy
24th September Adam East and Kirstie Sandy
9th October Renewal of Wedding Vows to celebrate 40 years of Marriage
Martin and Sandra Borrill
Funerals - May they all rest in peace:
13th September Michael Bean
29th September Dorothy Belcher
We also held a Requiem Mass for David Mathews